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Bill Holmes
Customized SeaClutch on a large frame!
This is the SeaClutch customized with the name of our boat, the SoulMate. Look how securely the SeaClutch holds the large frame, and how...
Bill Holmes
Exciting New SeaClutch Feature!
We are excited to announce that the SeaClutch can now be customized! As you can see, there are two different versions - full face and...
Bill Holmes
A surge of sales!
Our neighbor at the Annapolis Powerboat Show was the Williams and Heintz Map Corporation, and they were great! In our last post I...
Bill Holmes
An Unexpected Development!
We were very lucky to be next to the Williams & Heintz Map Corporation, and we struck up a positive relationship with the people...
Bill Holmes
Last Day of the Show!
The last day of the show, and we had a plan! Chris and I had already done reconnaissance on the docks, and we headed out to with our...
Bill Holmes
The rest of the team arrives!
By the third day, we were fully staffed! Our great friends Keith and Sherilynn were there along with our son in law Chris. If you take a...
Bill Holmes
A successful second day at the Annapolis Powerboat Show!
The second day of the show started out breezy and sunny. We decided to work the booth in shifts, so I got up early and headed over. It...
Bill Holmes
The Annapolis Boat Show! Set up day.
We have a SeaClutch booth at the Annapolis Boat Show! How exciting! We had never done this before, so we borrowed a table from a friend...
Bill Holmes
In which I encountered a problem!
There was one other place to boat in Augusta, GA, the mighty and muddy Savannah River. The Savannah River winds from Lake Thurmond (the...
Bill Holmes
Lazy days on the reservoir...
There were two kinds of trips to the lake. The first was a big time with friends! For those trips I would find several friends and we...
Bill Holmes
My first boat!
I grew up in Georgia near Clarke's Hill Reservoir, which was renamed Lake Thurmond. None of the kids called it that. The neighbor across...
Bill Holmes
Why should someone buy a SeaClutch?
Why do you need a SeaClutch boat, yacht and RV picture frame holder? Well, you don't! But you also don't need a boat. Or a yacht. Or a...
Bill Holmes
Sales Calls and Good Times
After a great night having fun with the awesome members of the Miles River Yacht Club and the regatta participants, we headed into town...
Bill Holmes
We will be shipping SeaClutch pre-orders this week!
Many of you pre-ordered your SeaClutch boat, yacht and RV picture frame holder before we even had the product here, and we really...
Bill Holmes
The SeaClutch Ebay store is now live!
Now that the SeaClutch is here, we are beginning the process of expanding our retail channels. Ebay is the easiest way to get a product...
Bill Holmes
The SeaClutch is Here!!
The SeaClutch is here! The first shipment arrived from the factory, and we are very pleased with the quality of the packaging. Lisa and...
Bill Holmes
Still waiting for the factory!
We are all excited and anxious to know when the SeaClutch will arrive! The factory completed the order and shipped it to us, and it...
Bill Holmes
The Factory Says The SeaClutch Will Be Here Tomorrow!
The factory called today and told us that the SeaClutch should be arriving tomorrow! It will take several days to process out of the...
Bill Holmes
The SeaClutch is Expected March 1!
We had an exciting phone call with the factory today, and they notified us that the SeaClutch boat, yacht and RV picture frame holder is...
Bill Holmes
SeaClutch Purchases Its First Print Ad!
We are pleased to announce that the SeaClutch boat, yacht and RV picture frame holder purchased an ad in the CBYCA yearbook! This is our...
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