We arrived on Friday afternoon to improving conditions and a great slip on the bulkhead of Ego Alley. Ego Alley is named that because people like to display their beautiful boats by cruising into the alley where the visitors to Annapolis can see them! There is a very small area to turn around at the end of Ego Alley, and there is so much traffic that it gets challenging to navigate in here.
Picture a narrow strip of water that is approximately 60 feet wide at it's narrowest point. Add boats docked on either side, further narrowing the available navigable water. Finally, add a constant stream of water taxi's, large yachts, jet ski's and finally SUP and kayak paddlers.
It is a scene! Great once you get docked so you can see it all, but a little challenging when you are trying to navigate in or out!
On this particular trip, we brought my 22 year old daughter and her friend who was visiting from out of town. We decided to have dinner on the boat and start our sales visits tomorrow.